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June Camp – Day 1 with RCMP CST. Tobin, Sheriff KENNEDY & Fire Fighter Natasha

Day 1 and food is prepped, gear is packed and all is laid out as we enthusiastically await the arrival of our June Campers!

Fire Fighter Natasha, ( ODS ) RCMP  Ryan Tobin, for their Phase 2 and ( ODS ) Sheriff KENNEDY for his Phase 3 accompanied by a night with special guest Joe Roberts, the famous Skid row to CEO and his Wife Maria.

Even one of our resident bucks stops by to say good morning to the campers!

By 2:00pm everyone had pulled into Camp My Way, excited and greeted with warm hugs and huge smiles.

A nice slow paced walk around the property to absorb the surroundings, stretch the legs from the drive and release any tension one may have arrived with.

We then gather around our giant sized picnic table where I, ( Jillian Brown) share the gear we are handing out, tips on how to pack, safety and go over the individual food prepared for the next week.

What’s in the packs we hand out to each camper?

  • Spork
  • 8 L Cook Pot
  • Pocket Rocket Stove
  • Lighter
  • Fuel for stove
  • 20L Dry Bag
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Sleeping Pad
  • Rain jacket
  • Water Bottle
  • Coffee Press Mug
  • Tent Footprint
  • Tarp
  • Para cord


An hour later and everyone has their recommended clothes, gear and food all repacked and we are loaded up onto the ATVs and jeep and off to cool down with a River lap.

Immediately the kid in each of us comes out as we leap into the water and float back to the vehicles.


Now time for a leisurely ride up the winding, old road where conversations and connections begin to form and new friends are made; and not just of the human form.

A rare BC rubber boa is spotted and everyone is quick to have a look and encouraged to connect with the small creature as we move the little beauty to a safe spot off the trail.

Soon we arrive to what looks to be simply more forest and we announce, “Welcome to Basecamp for the night!”

As the group trudges through the slowly opening up brush, they are informed to keep an eye out for potential locations to set up their own Tarp Shelters for the night. Cresting a small rocky hill, the view shows herself and we all pause before scampering down to take in the vast mountain scene!

A perfect little clearing is picked out for our evening meeting spot and morning meditation location.  Everyone now disperses to set up their home for the night.

I go around and give a few suggests on how to help make one feel more comfortable within the backcountry. “As much time as I’ve spent sleeping out under the stars, beneath a tarp, or within a tent, I still get nervous at times. So to help the nerves, I will place my shelter between fallen trees, or boulders or build a wall out of logs to give myself more of a sense of security.” The tip is taken as I watch Joe and Maria move large logs to line the walls of their tent.  It’s amazing to witness each camper’s unique creativity and utilization of a simple tarp and their surroundings. Everyone’s shelter is completely individual.

Now that our shelters were up, we gather again to make our meals and share of the morning routine, get to know each other a little more and enjoy the last of the evening light together before we say our Good Nights and crawl into our sleeping bags beneath a full moon.



#BELLETSTALK#bellletstalk#breakingthechains#breakingthechainsbc#ITSNOTWEAKTOSPEAK132010 olympics2010 winter olympics2018 winter olympics202020212021 camp2021 Ride to Recovery21221524 kms 24 hrs55 ultra7th heavenA Dollar A day FoundationAdara Hotel WhistleraddictionAddiction RecoveryadventureAdvocatealpine glowanti bullyanti bullyinganti virusantivirusAnxietyanxiety helpatvaustraliaAwarenessaxeback to workbc ndpbc search and rescueBCSARbe kindbe safebe wellbike life vancouverbikersbikers against bullyingbreaking the chainsBreaking the Chains BCbritish columbiabull dog boot campburnaby lakecamocampCamp FireCamp My Waycamp outCamp set upcampingcanadaCanada Day 2021canadian walk for veteransCanadian well beingCanadian well-being foundationcanoecanoeingcanoingCDFChad Kennedychainschaos group canadacodeCommunityconqureconvictcorrections officerscovid19covid2020CTVctv newscwbfdarren mcpeakedavid buzzarddavid buzzard photographydepressiondepression helpdepression reliefDon Shafereducationehseldersemotionalemtend the stigmaenemyEnglish Bayenvironmentescape routeescape route whistlerevery child mattersexcerciseexerciseexpeditionexperienceexplorationFacebookfamilyfamily dayfire chiefFire Fightersfire rescuefirefighterfirefightersfirst nationsFirst Responderfirst respondersfishingfitnessfkcovidfood bankforest fireforgivefoundationfreedomfundraiserGarmingeorgiagermanyglobal newsgoalgraditudegratefulgratitudehealHeal naturalhealinghealshealth carehelphigh risk youthhikinghistorialhistoryhonda crv 2020honourhumanhuman experiencehumanityinspirationinspireInstagraminstinctual reaction to dangerinternational ptsd awarenessipairdITS NOT WEAK TO SPEAKJack Poole PlazaJill brownJillian A Brownjillian a brown photographyjoern rohdejoern rohde photograpghyJordan Daviesjosee querryJosh Vander Viesjournel entry day 3just breathekal tirekyacklakelakeslarry falconlaw enforcementlegacylet the games beginLinkedinloyalitylugeMagic JohnsonMaple Ridge Wilderness Programmarathonmarchmark kennedymarriottMECmediattionmeditationmemorialmental healthMental Health awarenessmental health initiativemental health recoverymentorMilitary Mindsmind fitMind setmindfulMission Mountainmotivationmotorcyclemountain fmMountainFmMountainsmustang survivalNational Police Forcenatrualnaturalnatural recoverynaturenature healsneed helpNesters Market WhistlerNesters Whistlerno cell phonesno medsno xcusesnodar kumaritashvilinon profitnot all wounds are visiblenursenutritionOff duty sickoff gridolympic cauldronsolympicsoperational stress iniuryoperational stress injuryopportunityopus athleticsOSIpaddleboardingpaddleingpan pacificparamedicspaul eastonpeacepeer supportpig roastpique news magazinepoker runpolicepolice officerspolice testimonialpositivepost trauma recoverypost traumatic stresspower of positive thinkingpresidentpresumtion of illnesspreventionprisonproud police officerPTSDptsd awarenessptsd recoveryptsd recovery camp my way suicide preventionptsd recovery expedition 2020ptsdrecoveryPTSiput in the workradiorally point retreatrcmpreconnectrecoveryrecovery expedtionrecovery is possiblerelaxrespectride to recovery 2021Robson SquareRoundhouse RadioroutinerunningRyan TobinsafeSARscandinave spaScott Caseysecondary schoolself careselflessserviceshane simpsonsheepdog lodgeshelterSheriffsikh motorcycle clubslccsleepsocial justicespiritualSquamish Chiefsquamish lil'wat cultural centreStanley ParkstigmaStressstress reliefstressfreestrugglingSuicide preventionsuicidepreventionsummit lodge ski boutiquesun setSunset Beachsupportsurrey firesurrey fire fighters charitable societysurrey firefighterssurrey firefighters charitable societysurrey hondasurvivalTentTerrance Joseph KosikarTerrance KosikarTerrance Kosikar FounderterrortestimonialThe Ambassador of Georgia H.E. Konstantin Kavtaradzethe rolling barragethe surrey firefighters charitable societyTheGlobeandMailtire fliptire flipingTire flippingtire mountain teamtire'd of the stigmatired of the stigma 2020Together We CampTogether We Cantrauma recoveryTrev DeeleyTrev Deeley Motorcyclestrue healthcare is selfcaretruthTWCusaVancouvervancouver bcVancouver fireVancouverSunveteransVictoriaVictoria Buzzvsslwaterwaterfallswell beingwellbeingWhistlerwhistler atvWhistler Blackcombwildernesswilderness survivalwilderness therapyWinter Campingwisdomwounded warriors canada]young offenders boot campyouth campyouth programs